Customer Testimonials

“Prestige Valet is the one valet company I recommended to all of my brides. After hosting numerous events with Prestige taking care of my guest, I can happily report that every single valet on their staff exudes professionalism, service, and efficiency. They’re the only valet service for the bride who wants perfection.”
Tanna Dang / The Wedding Café

“Justin and his crew did and exemplary job-so much so that several of our guest called the following week to ask for the company’s name and number.
The company has trained their men to be courteous and to anticipate, and exceed, the needs of the customers. Their gentlemanly conduct is refreshing in an age when manners seem to have been forgotten or never learned.”
Paula Rath

“From our first call to set the schedule to working with our last minute attendance changes Prestige was professional and easy to work with. This was a very important event for us as we had a celebrity speaker and the attendees were among the most prestigious in our industry from the islands. Prestige performed flawlessly and made excellent use of our space.”
Ron Koranda / Ferguson Enterprises Inc.

“Having a quick valet really made my event run so much smoother and it really helped to relieve the stress of planning a large event. I was completely confident in the valet services because Justin had been so great to work with when setting up the initial planning. I didn’t call him to follow-up, he called me! Always very professional, great on the follow-up and returning calls promptly. If boy scouts were valets, Justin would surely be an Eagle scout!”
Emi H.


“Prestige Valet is the one valet company I recommended to all of my brides.”

Tanna Dang / The Wedding Café

“Justin and his crew did and exemplary job...”

Paula Rath

“Prestige was professional and easy to work with...”

Ron Koranda / Ferguson Enterprises Inc.

“Having a quick valet really made my event run so much smoother...”

Emi H.